As of today, 4/15/20:
The Point System via our website is now live and operational. Please use the AEF (After Event Form) and PRF (Point Request Form) to receive points & rewards. If you do not submit the form, your work will go uncounted :(, and we wouldn’t want that to happen! We want to shower you in gold coins, so please submit these forms.
NOTE: The structure, questions, and forms in general may be changing slightly over the next few days. There is nothing that you have to do, as all of this will be updated automatically on our end. Please just simply follow the instructions as they are when you submit the form and be prepared to notice some minor changes, gradually, to each form. Your points will be calculated properly in our system by the end of the month.
TaiPatron, Baltzen, or myself will be regularly providing updates on the above mentioned changes as they occur.
If you have any questions, please contact Baltzen or myself.
This has been a Path Service Announcement brought to you by ACERA. ACERA thanks you for your time and service!
Thank you,