What We Are

What is a Merchant?

In simplist form, a Merchant is a person who is engaged in the purchase and sale of commodities for profit.  This is the most basic definition of what a Merchant is, but membership into the distinguished Merchant path, requires that each Merchant swear an oath, to uphold the standards set forth by the path.

This oath, and upholding of standards, distinguishes the common merchant, from that of any member of the Merchant path. Each member of the Merchant path, is accountable to his or her duties, these being, to the path, the community and thy self.

Standards set by the path, control the method in which trade and sales of commodoties are done by its members.  This allows for a consensus of what is considered fair, and just, in the market place.  The Merchant Guild, is a collection of highly skilled entrepreneurs, who wish to sell their commodoties at fair and reasonable prices, while still holding true to the basic meaning, of being a Merchant.

A Merchant can be described as an established trader, who trades with honor, seeking to bring items of demand to those who require them.  Merchants, hold knowledge of the marketplace and the economy itself, and play a large role in determining pricing and value of commodities.  As a Merchant, he or she is responsible to guard the marketplace, watching for dishonorable individuals, who would use ignorance or lack of knowledge to abuse others.  These individuals, use the Marketplace to profit either through extortion or theft.

In addition to being a trader, a Merchant is a part of a large family.  All abiding by the same rules and regulations of this membership, and is determined to help the better the path as a whole.  Whoever might join, he or she becomes a cemented part of the Merchant circle and family.  As a family member, a Merchant has a responsibility to support his or her fellow member, and attempt to aid them, either through knowledge or guidance others when they might stray from the most honorable of paths.

In general terms, a Merchant is a helpful hand to the community, a seeker of peace in conflict, a person who may provide answers to asked questions.  We are sought to mediate problems, involving finances, either loans or trade.  We do our best, to solve problems, with all the resources availible to us, and if unable, will direct those involved to persons, who may be of more assistance.  Some might ask, why the Merchant path, assumes these responsibilities, the answer is simple, we all share the need to help others, even if we are not respected or accepted as we should be.  We know, that this is the role that has been determined for us, and we embrace it freely and willingly.

No matter the obstacle, or the problem that arises, we as Merchants, continue to work and strive for the betterment of the market and those involved with it.  We make a promise to one another, the guide and to ourselves, to do this, to the best of our abilities, and without regret.

As time progresses, our responsibilities may increase or decrease, but our will and determination will never end, but only increase as time passes.

Merchant Elder