The Staff

The bright blue staff,
I hold tightly in my grasp,
So old yet it still shines,
A treasure indeed I beleive.

It means so much,
To me alone,
To all of us,
It means alot.

My staff I hold so dear,
It’s bright blue flame,
Eternally glowing my pride.

I carry it quietly,
Knowing deep inside,
The true meaning it holds,
Is something only few will know.

My staff is a part of me,
Something I’ve had for so long,
But something that reminds me,
No matter what,
We still shine.

As path and as a family,
Our staff shows for sure,
That no matter what,
We will be here.

Forever on and forever together,
Me and my staff,
We travel as a pair,
Both old but still together.

My staff is a reminder to me,
Of the pain I’ve felt,
But also of the joy,
Together we will stay.

Without one,
The other isn’t whole,
My staff and me may dwindle,
But I know together,
We will never fade away..

– Kateria