Master Kyun’s Enclave

After many years of searching, the Merchant Guild has found the Enclave of Master Kyun.  The search was to hopefully find some of Master Kyun’s lost scrolls.  After his passing, the Shillan Guild and the Koguryo Guild both set out to try to find the area where he did all of his training and where he kept his scrolls.  Upon finding his enclave, we were disheartened by the fact that we did not find his large collection of scrolls that have chronicled various treasures, both found and still being sought after to this day.  This, of course, would have been a tremendous boost to both guilds.

However, what we ended up finding when we walked north was something of stunning importance.  As we traversed the snowy path we saw a huge gate that was built into the icy mountain side.  We started to study the door and wall and noticed something etched into the wall: “Only those that would have no evil in their heart may safely pass these doors.”  Before we proceeded further, we needed to find out exactly what we might be encountering.  A Scholar that was travelling with us from the Shillan Guild was brought up from the southern entrance where he was still searching for Master Kyun’s scrolls.  It seemed he had found a note hidden inside one of the trees, all it said was…
“Do not travel north through the gated entrance unless you have devoted your life to the protection of Kubera.”

It suddenly dawned upon us exactly what this meant… Master Kyun’s Enclave actually was just south of the entrance to the fabled treasure house of Kubera!  Those with pure heart that the etching spoke of must be the Kinnara, the protectors of the treasure house.

For the next few weeks we continued to search the enclave for any clues at all.  This was when, while swimming in the stone pond during a break from the search, we noticed a rock that shined brighter the closer we got to it.  Upon further examination, it was noticed that the rock was hollow and had a sealed compartment.  We worked it free from its place in the stone pond and after a short time we were finally able to figure out how to open up the compartment.  Upon popping it open we found what we had been searching for all this time, a scroll written by Master Kyun himself.  In order to keep some of the secrets that are possessed within the scroll secret, we decided to only publish a single excerpt which explains how we found the rock.
Excerpt from the scroll:

If you are reading this it means that all hope is not lost in mankind and that there are still those that are pure of heart in the kingdoms to this day.  For you see, if you found this rock then you are worthy of being a Kinnara.  Only the pure of heart and those void of selfishness would be able to even see the rock in the first place.

After reading the scroll we finally learned why Master Kyun was so secretive of the location of his enclave.  In the final years of his life he would often take leave of the Shillan Guild for weeks at a time, now we understand that he needed to protect the treasure house, as he was the last Kinnara.  After noticing the greed of many from within his Guild as well as those in the various towns in the kingdoms, he decided that it was safer to let the location of the treasure house be forgotten.

There were instructions as to how Kinnaras are found and how they may achieve their position as a Guardian of the Treasure house, however, we will not be sharing that publicly at this time.  Now that the treasure house has been found, new protectors must be appointed in order to ensure the safety of Kubera’s greatest treasures.  Since the pure of heart have found the treasure house – those that would use the treasure for their own greed are sure to learn of the location as well.

Vaughn Kendari
Merchant Elder