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                               Presents . . . 

       6"""6 9   9 4""4""4 68"""6   9"""" 4"""4  6""""6 
       8   8 5   5 4  4  4 8    8   5     4   4  8      
       6e  6 9e  9 4e 4  4 6eeee6ee 9eeee 4eee4e 6eeeee 
       86  8 59  5 10 4  4 86     8 59    10   4     68 
       68  6 95  9 10 4  4 68     6 95    10   4 e   86 
       86  8 59ee5 10 4  4 86eeeee8 59eee 10   4 8eee68 

                 9"""9 4  6""""6 9   9 ""4"" 
                 5   5 4  8    " 5   5   4   
                 9e  9 4e 6e     9eee9   4e  
                 59  5 10 86  ee 59  5   10  
                 95  9 10 68   6 95  9   10  
                 59  5 10 86eee8 59  5   10

  The newest, most exciting game created by the Merchant Guild of Koguryo. We welcome all to this grand-opening event, presenting "Numbers," the gambling game where team-work pays off, literally. Roll the dice, have some drinks, puff some Merchant pipes and profit off the winnings. Introducing the most innovative, high-paying and low-risk game available for your gambling pleasure-- NUMBERS! Brought to you by the Merchant Guild of Koguryo.

Numbers - (Grand Opening)

  In this game, all players work as a team and win as a team. Your opponent is the house. Every time one player wins, all players win. This game has an extremely high and frequent pay-out ratio. Here's how to play:

    (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10)  <--- POINT LINE

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (  )  <--- PASS LINE 

  In order to play, a minimum bet of 10k must be placed on the "PASS LINE" (as shown above). Above the pass line is a range of numbers: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 called the POINT LINE. 

  To begin the game, the player will roll two dice: 1-6. If the player's roll totals a 7 or 11, all players automatically win double their pass line bet. If the player rolls a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 then whichever number the player rolls will be set as the POINT NUMBER. Every time a player rolls, they will roll 1-6 two times (representing actual dice). 

Example: If the player rolls an 8 on the opening roll, the point is set on 8 and the player rolls again. If a the player rolls a 7 or 11 on the opening roll, all players win double their pass line bet and the player rolls again.

  After the player sets the point, the player will continue to roll until the player rolls the set point (8 in our example) or until the player rolls a 7 (bust). If the player rolls the set point, all players win double their bets and the player rolls for a new point. If the player rolls a 7, the player busts and the house takes all bets.

  Players that are not rolling can place, remove, or move bets at any time after the point is set and can bet on any number on the POINT LINE that they'd like. Players win on any point line number that they bet on regardless of what number the point is set on.

Example: Point is set on 8 and a non-rolling player has 10k bets on 4 and 10. The rolling player rolls a 4. The non-rolling player wins a pay-out on his 4. The pay-outs are as follows: 

(4)  9:5 10k BET PAYS 18k 
(5)  7:5 10k BET PAYS 14k
(6)  7:6 10k BET PAYS 11.6k
(8)  7:6 10k BET PAYS 11.6k
(9)  7:5 10k BET PAYS 14k
(10) 9:5 10k BET PAYS 18k

  Come play and win big. Meet people, network & socialize-- this game will soon be placed in the new & improved Merchant Casino.

When: Thursday, June 28th, 2012 - 7:00 PM EST

Where: Kugnae Gathering

