Guide & GIT Promotions


Fellow Merchants,

Please congratulate your colleagues:

* ShuZu – Promoted to Guide

* Incendo – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* Luxe – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* Rylee – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* SleepNTrap – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* sspy – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* TaiPatron – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)
* Trademan – Promoted to Guide In Training (GIT)

These Merchants have been promoted, effective immediately, 3/10/17. Everyone on this list has, in some form, demonstrated leadership potential. Whether it be in the form of events/general activity point accumulation, path direction assistance, guide assistance, implementation of new operations and/or procedures, etc., these Merchants have made the cut for the rigorous Merchant Guide In Training Program, managed by Guide Living.

Every Guide currently upstairs has gone through this program at some point early in their Merchant career.

With the exception of ShuZu, Living will put these Merchants through the GIT Program, find their weaknesses, improve them, perfect them, and fully prepare them for the position ahead of them. They will become excellent leaders and representations of our fine guild.

ShuZu has previously served under my administration and certainly has the knowledge and experience to do the job. Under the path’s recent unfortunate circumstances, the guide circle desperately needs an experienced hand upstairs to assist with our path’s operations immediately. ShuZu was the ideal choice and I have no doubt in his abilities. If there are any questions on my decision to promote ShuZu, please contact me directly. I expect that ShuZu will prove to be a very handy resource for the path.

Some GIT’s most likely will not make it all of the way to ascension. Historically, there has never been an entire group of GIT’s to successfully complete the program and become a Guide. The program is difficult and some are unable to continue for various reasons, some completely unrelated to their performance ((IRL)). On average, 1/3rd to 1/2 of the group successfully completes the GIT program. But who knows, maybe they all will get lucky and everyone will make it upstairs! This is also the largest GIT group in our guild’s history.

Good luck, ShuZu & GIT’s. And again, congratulations!


Merchant Elder