Point System Automated Live Updates

We have revised how our point system works to now update automatically as event reports are sent in. There are no longer any delays, nor waiting for us to manually add Merchants. Everything is automated. Furthermore, we’ve fixed the integration with this website so that Merchants can go look up their points at any moment […]

Website Migration

Hello everyone. If you are seeing this message, the Merchant Guild website was recently transferred to a new host. If you have any issues using the site or notice anything is broken, please contact everclear with the details. Thanks.

December Points

I want to Wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope that 2022 is better for everyone. I have posted the Points for December well done on an Amazing Year for all of you. Thank you all for you hardwork and dedication to this amazing Place we call the Merchants! I am looking forwarding to […]

October Points 2021

Hello Everyone!!! I hope everyone had a great Month this month. As always I am here for anyone that needs to talk, everyone knows how to reach me! I have updated all the Points for everyone. Should you not see your name Please reach out to everclear or Acera and myself or Ace will fix […]

September Points!

Hello Merchants!!! All The Points Should be Updated. If you have any issues Please send one of the Guides a Message and they will Inform me of the Issue and I will get right on top of it! Great Job this Month on all the Events and the New Things!! Baltzen Bali-Tang!